DEAR YOKO is a highly charged, hilarious yet deeply revealing one-woman show that interweaves the lives of Asian-American actress/playwright Anzu Lawson & her late tiger mother Keiko with the legendary yet misunderstood life of Yoko Ono… as they navigate xenophobia, self-worth, and identity through multiple eras.
Written and performed by ANZU LAWSON
Directed by and developed with JESSICA LYNN JOHNSON
In association with THE WHITEFIRE THEATRE
“DEAR YOKO is an extraordinary personal story of Anzu's growth as a woman and an
artist, in an odyssey that spans two continents and how she found in Yoko Ono an example of an
extraordinary Asian woman of accomplishment who always lived her life authentically, even to
this day. Her totally absorbing tale had me hooked from start to finish, often feeling as if I really
was watching Yoko Ono onstage.”—- Shari Barrett – Broadway World
“Anzu Lawson bares a remarkable resemblance to Yoko Ono, couple that with a really
wonderful, deep sense of the artist and phenomenal acting skills and we are presented with Yoko
Ono…almost in the flesh."—
For complimentary press/media reservations, please R.S.V.P. to Philip Sokoloff, (626) 674-0504,
**VALET PARKING at St. Augustine’s Bar (next door) will be reimbursed to Press attendants from Happy Hapa Productions.
Whitefire TheatreWhitefire Theatre
13500 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA, USA