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"The Art of Creating the One Person Play"!
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"Director and developer Jessica Lynn Johnson has really aided in creating a well-crafted show, moments of which remain with me weeks later."
Stage and Cinema
"Deft and perceptive direction."
"Directed to Perfection."
Shari Barrett, Broadway World
"...splendidly directed and developed"
Discover Hollywood

Need guidance on your solo show?
Receive coaching from Best National Solo Artist,
Published Playwright, & Award-Winning Director & Developer
Jessica Lynn Johnson!
Jessica offers her solo show expertise in 1-on-1 or small group coaching sessions.
Private Coaching Group Coaching
"She never misses a beat, performing one seamless metamorphosis after another with jaw-dropping facility. The talented Johnson has crafted a flattering vehicle for herself, as both an actor and a writer, that is definitely worth checking out."
"As Johnson smoothly transitions from one character to the next her remarkable ability shines."
"As Johnson smoothly transitions from one character to the next her remarkable ability shines."