Based on the 30 min Comedy TV Pilot ~ Written & Starring Anzu Lawson
A true story about Hollywood’s reluctant celebrity masseuse finding her way back.
A struggling Asian Actress/Comic searching for identity in a white-washed Hollywood, takes a huge life detour and becomes her Tiger Mom’s worst nightmare, a massage therapist… to the stars. Instead of rubbing shoulders with her peers, she’s now rubbing “their” shoulders, only adding to the list of reasons why she’s not “good enough” in her mother’s eyes. Through touching & transmuting everybody else’s pain, Anzu inadvertently heals her childhood wound and reclaims her self-worth. For the “scars” a narcissist/sociopath parent inflicts with their transactional love… can cost a life.
The Rub in SOLOFEST 2023 at Whitefire Theatre!
Whitefire Theatre, Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, CA, USA