This show follows one dad’s journey into fatherhood, with a little input from his own dad and 35 other characters along the way.
Most men think they are great at making babies. Few of them seem to know how to raise them into productive, socially conscious adults. Many men give up and walk away, or stay in the picture but are unattached. Few get any training at being a dad. Being a dad is one of the most important jobs men take on, and the job we are least trained at doing. Sometimes our kids grow up in spite of us, sometimes they fail the way we fail. This show follows one dad’s journey into fatherhood, with a little input from his own dad and 35 other characters along the way.
We hear every day, “our children are our future” but we have little guidance in the tasks at hand. “Razing Kids, it Ain’t Easy” is based on a series of events that happened, more or less, along the way while a man learned to be a dad, and kids learned to be adults in an ever-changing and challenging world. There may be a laugh or two on this journey, but mostly it’s examples of lessons learned by a hapless dad as he navigates his uncharted journey to be a dad and produce a couple of sensitive, productive adults.
Written and performed by Thaine Allison