“PostPardon Me,” is a one-woman seriocomedy written and performed by Liesel Hlista and directed by & developed with Jessica Lynn Johnson.
“PostPardon Me” follows a new mom, Liesel, through her surprising postpartum journey deep into the trenches of toddlerhood. Given the privilege of raising a tiny human, with less required testing than she got at the DMV. While thrown a few curveballs along the way, Liesel writes her own manual that can help her brave the storm of trying to raise a child, maintain her marriage and attempt not to be a complete hot mess on the daily.
With brutal honesty, hilarity and a bit of song, “PostPardon Me,” breaks down the taboos of being a new mommy and tells it like it is. This shit is cray, like literal shit…so much shit. Through so many diapers and so few showers, Liesel Hlista is out to save the world, one vagina at a time.
This 70 minute rollercoaster ride through mommy life is a postpartum journey including fertility struggles and rebirth.