Welcome Soaring Solo community to the natural world beauty of Topanga! On February 18th it will be almost time for the New Moon again! Once a month we receive this gift from the natural world to Set Our Intentions with the ancient tradition of planting seeds in the dark of the new moon. Also a fantastic time to Renew the Intentions that we’ve set for the New Year in the supportive company of our like-hearted tribe.
This magical event will be led by Soaring Solo instructor and awardwinning Solo Artist, Kamakshi Hart. Kamakshi has an MA in Spiritual Psychology and is also a transformational and trauma-informed coach, spiritual counselor and rites of passage guide. Read more at https://www.kamakshihart.com/
Rituals that take place in the embrace of Wise Nature elevate our intentions, clarify our soul’s purpose and amplify our heart’s desires. As a Rites of Passage Guide my work is aligned with the three central tenets of marking a passage such as the threshold from one year to the next:
1) Severance (what we need to release); 2) Threshold (sacred space held with prayerful intent for transformation and new vision); 3) Incorporation (integration and embodiment of the new revelations, signposts and vision received).
Gaining Altitude is a time-honored tradition of mystics, creatives and visionaries of going to the mountaintop to rise above the day to day distractions and receive a clear vision of one’s self. Wild Nature will always reflect back to us our True Nature: clear, divine, radiantly beautiful and filled with infinite possibilities. The wildlands, creatures, trees, rocks and sky have been guiding humans on their journeys for as long as we know. Here is your opportunity to refresh and anchor your stake in the ground for your solo show in 2023 and listen deeply to your own soul and the messages you wish to bring to the world through your soul-o show! Be sure and bring a journal to write the messages you receive.
“Find the thread of your being and follow it as far as you can follow it. You will be led into places you would not choose to go that wind up being revelations.” – Michael Meade
“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.” – Roald Dahl
“As counter-intuitive as it may seem, slowing down is often the very thing that reconnects you to your sense of momentum and purpose. To hear the rhythm of your indigenous song, to fall in step with the poetry of your unfolding, first there must be a clearing away: a simplicity in which to dwell. Strike a holy grove of silence where you can listen as you long to be heard, see as you long to be seen, recognize where you are relevant, needed and necessary in the Family of Things.” – Toko-pa
Soaring Solo Soul-o Time: Find the Soul in Your Solo Show
Topanga, CA