MaryLee’s dad, ‘Daddy’ has been her best friend her entire life, always there for her. Her mother, not so much.
Always feeling she was meant for something ‘big’ and with a lifelong dream of a successful career as an actor and writer, MaryLee has never been able to wholeheartedly commit to or finish anything. And the cacophony of voices in her head, the loudest of them being her ‘Feary Godmother’, don’t help. Or do they?
Now in her fifties and clenching to Anais Nin’s words, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom,” MaryLee commits to overcoming her fears to create the fulfilling life of which she’s always dreamed.
One woman stands in the way and MaryLee has to decide whether she can possibly forgive her.