Join us for this first ever reading of writer/performer Amy Veltman’s one-woman show PSA: Pelvic Service Announcement, a comedic, musical journey through the pelvic floor muscle to a place that’s free(er) of shame.
In this show, Amy teeters on the tightrope between “TMI” and just the right amount of “I” to help others advocate for their own health and happiness. This show is not just for women; men have pelvic floors, too!
Sponsored by Soaring Solo Studios as part of their “Revealed” series, this virtual reading will be followed by Q&A facilitated by Jessica Lynn Johnson. Audience feedback is welcome and appreciated in helping the play move from page to stage.
Donations gratefully accepted but not expected. All proceeds go to Amy to further the development of her solo show.
ZOOM LINK: Will be separately emailed to all who reserve a ticket.