“Don’t you know before you choose your wish You’d better think first
‘Cause with every wish there comes a curse.” Bruce Springsteen
As an artist, I search for inspiration and connection with my work. I wrote this solo performance, to dig deep into and tell my own story of forbidden love, loss, shame, and redemption. Solo performers connect with others through shared experiences. GHOSTED is a story about reconciliation with past ghosts, reclaiming my authentic self, and reclaiming my power through healing and resiliency. I believe that we all can create a powerful third act in our lives and I’m thrilled to share my story with you.
Jessica Lynn Johnson; Director and Producer, is the Founder & CEO of Soaring Solo Studios International. I discovered Jessica and Soaring Solo Studios as a writing workshop for solo artists during the pandemic in 2020. The rest is history.
Running Time: 80 minutes
Tags: Drama, Comedy, Storytelling, World Premiere, Multi-media
Website: celestewalker.com
United Solo Performance FestivalUnited Solo Performance Festival
Theatre Row, West 42nd Street, New York, NY, USA