“Forgetting Not Forgotten” is a one woman show written & performed by Petal D’Avril, directed & developed by Jessica Lynn Johnson, and is set to make its world premiere as part of SOLOFEST 2019, the LARGEST solo theatre festival on the West Coast.
This multimedia, multiple character story centers around an aspiring young performer named Petal as she takes on the role of caregiver after her mother’s diagnosis with a mental illness . Petal’s life is abruptly interrupted yet again when her neighborhood becomes gentrified and Petal and her mother have to leave their family home.
The circumstances, battles and situations that Petal goes through serve as a rite of passage to understanding life.
Technical design by Brandon Loeser.
Festival Producers Nancy Santiago & Bryan Rasmussen
FORGETTING NOT FORGOTTEN in Solofest at Whitefire Theatre!
Whitefire Theatre, Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, CA, USA
Whitefire Theatre, Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, CA, USA