Upcoming Solo Shows

This piece peels back the facade of showmanship and personifies what happens when a man confronts the fractured parts of himself to realize his purpose for living. When he tries to uncover this purpose, he is tossed into the throws of depression, and suicidal ideation, and must figure out if it’s all worth it before the clock runs out. A storyteller broken into pieces. If you had the chance to peer inside the mind of an artist on the brink of disaster… would you do it?

CONTENT NOTE: Possibly disturbing material that includes suicide, self-hatred, depression, some F-bombs, and other colorful language. There will be a moment of strobing light lasting around 5 seconds.

*My Mission: For as long as I perform this show in my lifetime, half of all profits earned will be donated to a mental health organization doing real, impactful work for those who are struggling. YOU will make a difference with your ticket purchase. Thank you for supporting me in this mission!

***For this performance, ALL proceeds will be donated to support those affected by the LA wildfires.

Read reviews for past performances of this show in NOHO Arts DistrictDiscover Hollywood, and Gia On The Move.


Event Dates:

Thursday, March 27, 20258:00 pm Pacific
10:00 pm Central
11:00 pm Eastern


13500 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks, CA 91243, 818-687-8559